10 Interesting Facts about Disc Herniation That Will Surprise You

10 Interesting Facts about Disc Herniation That Will Surprise You

According to statistics, 80% of people between the ages of 30 and 40 face disc herniation (intervertebral hernia). But only in every fifth of their problems are they visible. If you sometimes feel an inexplicable dull back pain that is intensified by physical exertion, coughing or sneezing – then there could be facts that indicate the existence of a disc herniation.

1. The lifestyles that cause it are diverse

A man has a disc herniation pain.

There are no answers to the question of when and why a disc herniation occurs. Those who sit in the office all day, as well as those who perform hard physical work, also turn to the doctor. Also, people who do not fall into either category address a doctor.

2. Other causes of disc herniation could be the following :

  1. Lifting weights
  2. Weakness of the muscle belt
  3. Improper bending
  4. Moving the torso during exertion
  5. Engaging in a certain profession (truck drivers, manual workers)
  6. Obesity

3. Symptoms of disc herniation

The main symptoms depend on the location of the hernia:

Dull pain that occurs in the waist area or neck area

A girl has a pain in neck and waist area.

Stabbing pain that accompanies sudden movements

Pain in the waist area that descends to the leg

Pain in the neck that spreads to the shoulder or arm

Tingling in the toes

Urinary tract disorders (incontinence or urinary retention)



Constant headache

A headache caused by disc herniation.


Suddenly increased blood pressure for no reason

All these symptoms indicate the need to examine the spine.

4. Surgery is the last resort

In the initial stage, the disease is successfully treated on an outpatient basis. In addition to medication, acupuncture, swimming, exercises, massage, wearing an orthopedic corset are also prescribed to the patient.

Only in case of inefficiency of therapeutic treatment or a prolonged duration of the symptoms, the doctors will prescribe surgery (i.e. the surgical removal of the hernia).

5. Some simple rules to follow in case of disc herniation

– You can change daily habits (strictly differentiate between what you are not allowed to do and what you can do).

– Exercise the back and abdominal muscles daily, which should be recommended by a physiotherapist.

A back exercise for elimination for disc herniation pain.

– Eliminate the discomfort you are in – if you sit down, change your position, and if you feel muscle strain, stretch them. It is important to change the position of the body that causes discomfort.

– Emotional control – often it is stress that triggers the process of muscle spasm.

6. Negative activities associated with disc herniation

These activities include those that are associated with pressure on the spine (lifting weights, weight training) and those that involve a long stay in a vertical position (running, football, skiing). Exercises where the body is in a horizontal position for a long time also have a negative effect. This may cause the disc to move or be injured.

7. Recommended activities

Swimming - Required activity for disc herniation prevention.

From physical activities, we should preference to aqua aerobics, swimming and yoga. As already mentioned, daily medical gymnastics is required. All this strengthens the muscles, and increasing their tone, gives stability to the spine and vertebrae.

8. Hot or cold?

Stronger heating of the painful back is forbidden. When warming up, the muscle belt that holds the injured intervertebral disc reduces its tone. As a result, it is possible to move the disc and its further protrusion by pressing on the nerves and spinal cord.

9. Recommended treatment of disc herniation

In case you have a disc herniation, you can go to the spa, but not if the pain is acute, and always only after consulting a doctor. In order not to allow the spine to overheat, practice leaving the steam bath or sauna after 5 – 10 minutes, and pouring warm water over it. This will help you avoid muscle spasms and increased swelling of the tissues around the tense nerves.

10. One more recommendation

A girl is having a "walking on all fours" exercise.

In addition to the above-mentioned advice, we recommend another one – “walking on all fours”. Kneel so that your palms touch the floor and in such a position, on your knees, straight back and outstretched arms, move around the room.

Before you start practicing this exercise, consult your doctor. According to this physiotherapist Toronto, physiotherapy can help both in the case of injury and disabilities. This is why you should seek help if you struggle with disc herniation.