Simple Tips for Liquid Intake Before, During and After Training

Simple Tips for Liquid Intake Before, During and After Training

Most studies have shown that less physical activity occurs when there is a lack of liquid intake in the amount of 1.8% of body weight. that muscle dehydration of 3% leads to a loss of contractility (strength) of as much as 10%, and 8% reduces speed! We term this condition dehydration and can continue to be fatal to the athlete’s health. When we lose 7% of water, the organism collapses.

Liquid loss during training

The loss is greatest through sweating. You also lose water through imperceptible evaporation through exhaled air, through the skin, then through urine and stool. The loss of water through sweating grows enormously in unfavorable climatic conditions, such as high temperature and humidity above the so-called. comfort zone, ranging from 40-60%.

Increased sweating very quickly leads to dehydration, and thus to “thickening” (increasing the concentration) of venous fluid and simultaneous drying of cells.

Drinking water

Water has one no less important role during physical exertion, and that is cooling. In order to avoid overheating of the body, it is necessary to ingest as much appropriate cold water as possible, but not ice water, in order to cool the body more efficiently. That this is a very serious task is proven by the fact that during physical activity, the production of heat in the muscles can increase as much as 20 times in relation to the state of rest.

How much liquid do you drink?

The most practical method is that every kilogram of body weight lost, we should compensate with one liter of water. The fitness experts calculated from the difference in body weight before and after training. The missing amount of water you shouldn’t ingest at once, but gradually in small portions, slow sipping, small sips. Sudden swallowing takes a large amount of air into the stomach, which can create a feeling of uncomfortable stretching or even cramps. Therefore, do not drink carbonated liquids.

What to drink?

Chilled water (somewhere around 10˚C) is absorbed much faster in the intestines than water at room temperature. In addition, it cools the blood, ie. prevents the body from overheating. It seems that there are still dilemmas from which period the process of supercompensation of carbohydrates should start, when to add carbohydrates to water. The experts have opinion that you should take water in the first hour after the load.

Glass of water.


If sufficient hydration of the body is not provided before training, the deficit can no longer be compensated by drinking fluids during training. In other words, you should not enter the training without liquid intake

You should drink water on foot after great efforts. When the muscles suddenly relax, cramps and injuries often occur. That’s because tired muscles do not get enough blood at rest to remove the accumulated breakdown products. And finaly, it’s important to avoid fizzy drinks.