10 Common Misconceptions About Exercise You Need to Ignore

10 Common Misconceptions About Exercise You Need to Ignore

Since its inception, physical exercise has been the subject of much controversy. Like any human activity, people interpret it in completely different ways. Sometimes they praise and glorify him, and sometimes they challenge him. Nowadays, science has almost completely clarified numerous ambiguities and inaccuracies. However, opposing opinions and some exercise misconceptions still exist.

In this text, we will list the 10 most common misconceptions about exercises.

1. Exercise will certainly lead to the reduction of excess body weight

A group of young people have exercise at the gym.

Weight loss depends on a number of factors, such as diet and genetic predisposition. Not all people lose weight at the same rate, even if they do the same type of training. It is very possible for an obese person to be physically active and vice versa – for a slender person to be completely physically inactive. However, this does not mean that physical activity should be neglected.

2. Obese people do not benefit much from exercise – one of misconceptions

If they regularly participate in physical exercise, obese people will certainly reduce the general risks in relation to the inactive population. Everyone who exercises, regardless of age, body weight, form of exercise – has a positive effect on their health.

3. Regular exercise allows us to eat uncontrollably

Every human organism has its own level of metabolism. This metabolism directly determines how many calories the body consumes at rest, and how many during exercise. If we permanently consume more calories than we burn them, even if we exercise, the body will not burn fat.

4. Exercise of a certain part of the body reduce fat only from that part

A girl has abs exercise.

Many still believe that a large number of abs can lead to a slim waist and a flat stomach. This opinion is completely wrong, because fat deposits on a certain part of the body will not be removed if other parts of the body are neglected. It often happens that individuals develop muscles in the area of ​​the abdomen, and that the accumulated fat tissue is still visible in the same part. Therefore, in addition to quality exercise, a balanced diet is also necessary.

5. A big break in exercise will turn muscles into fat tissue

Another misconception. Muscle and adipose tissue are 2 completely different terms. Of course, if you stop exercising, muscle tone will decrease, but fat tissue will only increase if we eat unevenly and thus create “reserves”.

6. Exercise to the point of pain is necessary

A guy has a weightlifting training to the point of pain.
He's not avoiding Misconceptions

All researchers warn that exercising until pain occurs does not help at all. It can only lead to injury.

7. Slight weight lifting causes a large increase in muscle mass

The latest research shows that the best results in increasing muscle mass are achieved with fast and explosive weight lifting.

8. Higher protein intake – higher muscle mass

This view is only partially correct. During intensive training, it is useless to consume more than 1.3 grams of protein. Proteins are broken down in the body into amino acids and oxygen. Oxygen is used in the process of cell renewal, and the excess amino acids are converted into carbohydrates that the body stores as adipose tissue.

9. Women who exercise with a load will become muscular

A girl has an exercise with a load.
Avoiding Misconceptions

The fact is that women do not naturally produce the same amount of testosterone as men. Testosterone is one of the hormones responsible for muscle growth, so a woman cannot develop a large amount of muscle tissue without the use of steroids.

10. It is better not to exercise, than to exercise in any way

Another fitness mistake. Physical activity is in itself the privilege of the brave and persistent. The only difference is that some of us are less and some more persistent.


Regardless of the results of professional research in the field of exercise, misconceptions, even myths, exist today. There are still unclear elements for a large number of exercisers. That is why we have taken another step in the direction of resolving the doubts that burden a number of people who practice. We hope that we have “opened your eyes”, and that we have clarified some misconceptions about exercise.