Interesting Interview with Julia Chang, Taekwondo Master and Fitness Challenger
1. Hey Julia! Tell us something about yourself.
I’m an empath, enneagram 7, Leo, learner, action-taker, fun-loving woman!
2. For how long have you been a fitness and wellness professional?
6 years
3. What is your level at Taekwondo and what challenges did you have to overcome on that path?
I’m a 4th degree black belt; a master in Taekwondo. My father is a grandmaster in Taekwondo and my husband is also a Taekwondo master. Can’t escape it…it’s in my blood!
4. We saw on your Instagram page that you are the creator of the BELT method. Can you tell us something about that?
Yes!! I would love to tell you more about this! It is my passion mission! I have spent years talking with countless women who have trouble getting started on their health and fitness journey and get consistent. I’ve listened to their pains and struggles. The #1 reason women can’t seem to get going and be consistent is lack of motivation. I’ll also add a very close #2 reason of needing to shift into a positive mindset. Motivation + Mindset is what the BELT Method is all about. It is my signature method in helping women get from frustrated to fit; couch to consistent; unmotivated to motivated!
It’s startling how many women are trapped by their limiting beliefs and these silly rules they’ve told themselves about what health and fitness should look like. I’m here to bust through all that! The BELT Method also teaches about self-trust and increasing self-esteem.
The BELT Method is a 4-week interactive online bootcamp – I teach mindset concepts, lead short Taekwondo-inspired workouts, infuse interactive activities (board breaking, anyone?!) and so much more!
5. How do you train women to keep them motivated?
To add onto things in #4, I help women set a strong foundation with their mindset as they start their health and fitness journey. Many women jump in without doing the mindset work. Merely saying, “I want to lose weight” is not enough. I’ve seen women spend hundreds and thousands of dollars into gyms, trainers, equipment, cleanses in hopes to find that magic solution. It all starts with mindset.
6. What do you recommend to young women who lack motivation?
Set super small goals until you are consistent with your workouts and/or healthy eating. I see women get that supercharged temporary burst of motivation and they set lofty goals. Their goals are unrealistic (for now) and they burn out quickly, feel like they failed and completely stop.
7. Thanks for the interview. Do you have any final words?
You’re very welcome! I leave you with a quote:
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right” – Henry Ford