Am I a Candidate For a Tummy Tuck: Facts, Precautions, and Outcomes
A tummy tuck is also known as abdominoplasty. It is a very dependable procedure that gets you a flatter stomach. Also, it helps you get rid of the stubborn fat that surrounds your abdominal region. It can do away with all the extra fat and skin that does not respond to normal exercise. Also, it tightens the muscles in your abdominal wall and tones up the skin significantly, giving you a fitter appearance.
This Surgical Procedure Is Known As A Tummy Tuck And It Is Of Two Types Such As:
Complete Abdominoplasty Or A Full Tummy Tuck
Complete abdominoplasty is employed when you have a lot of fat and skin. That skin is located above and below your belly button. The procedure is completed when the excess skin and fat is removed from your body. The abdominal skin is pulled downwards to ensure that the entire region is tight and toned. The belly button is usually moved and repositioned to make sure that it looks natural and not “made up”. This is somewhat of a highly targeted liposuction procedure except that it can be completed rather quickly.
Mini Abdominoplasty Or A Mini Tummy Tuck
Mini abdominoplasty or a mini tummy tuck is highly recommended for people who have loose abdominal muscles. This is a shorter and less extensive procedure as compared to a complete abdominoplasty. It begins with a small incision to remove the excess fat and skin from your abdomen. Your belly button does not need to be repositioned. But the abdominal muscles are pulled a little lower to give them a tighter look and feel.
Tummy Tuck And Its Suitability
You can qualify for this procedure regardless of whether you are a man or a woman. Also, you have generally be in good health.
A Few Precautions To Take
- We recommend this procedure for non-smokers and if you smoke, you will be advised to quit this habit.
- Stay away from alcohol for at least 4 weeks leading up to your treatment
- Follow the diet changes recommended by your surgeon till the day of the treatment and afterwards
If you have certain areas around your stomach that contain fat deposits, you are an ideal candidate for it. You can go for a tummy tuck by Dr. Brent Rosen if you have any post-pregnancy fat that needs to be tightened.
Differentiating Between Liposuction And A Tummy Tuck
Let’s compare liposuction with a tummy tuck. The latter is a slightly complicated procedure because there is also excess skin that your surgeon will have to deal with. Liposuction does not remove the excess or loose skin to give you a more taut and tight appearance. Surgeons often combine liposuction with abdominoplasty to give their patients a tighter and firmer abdomen. The surgeons also preferr it for patients of bariatric surgery who have been through an invasive procedure to reduce the size of their stomach. Also, they have had gastric bypass surgery to help the patient with their obesity issues.
After reading this blog you must be a little more sure about whether you are a suitable candidate for a tummy tuck/abdominoplasty or not. Don’t decide upon it in haste. Always consult with your doctor before making any decision.