7 Common and Simple Causes of Fatigue and Exhaustion
Fatigue can be described as an extreme feeling of constant exhaustion that lingers over your body. Fatigue causes you to wake up in the morning feeling exhausted, as though you haven’t slept at all, and it reduces your productivity. If you think that exhaustion is taking over your life and you cannot keep up with daily tasks, you might be wondering the cause of your fatigue and how to fix it. This article will tackle common signs of fatigue and exhaustion.
The red blood cells transport oxygenated blood to body cells and organs. Women who lose lots of blood during menstruation are prone to an iron deficiency, leading to anemia. You can combat fatigue due to anemia by taking iron supplements and eating leafy greens, liver, and beans.
Increased amounts of caffeine
It is no doubt that caffeine is a stimulant that improves concentration, but only in moderation. However, too much caffeine can increase anxiety and exhaustion in some people. Remember to gradually reduce your caffeine intake, as a sudden stop can lead to increased feelings of fatigue.
Depression is a disorder that affects your physical, emotional, and mental state. You feel tired and down all the time, become less productive, and you start getting frequent headaches. Some people either eat too little or overindulge in harmful foods that are not nutrient-rich. Open up to someone if you feel the effects of depression and seek the help you need to get back on track.
Sleep apnea
This condition entails momentary disruption in your breathing when you sleep at night. The body’s natural response is to jolt you awake to start breathing again. This happens multiple times during the night, leading to sleep deprivation, even though you have spent all night in bed. Consult your doctor if you think you have sleep apnea to advise you on how to manage your condition.
Insufficient sleep
Poor sleep quality can do harm to your energy levels and overall wellbeing. In fact, the number one cause of chronic fatigue syndrome and microbiome is inadequate sleep. Research has found links between gut microbiome and your sleep quality. When you do not clock enough hours of sleep each day, you inhibit your concentration on essential tasks. Ensure you sleep for at least eight hours each night.
The thyroid gland at the base of your neck controls your metabolism. When your thyroid is underactive, your body converts food into energy at a slower rate, causing you to feel more exhausted and possibly gain weight. It would be best to get a comprehensive blood test to determine whether you need synthetic hormones to increase the activity of your thyroid gland.
Inadequate food intake
Not only does eating too little food lead to exhaustion, eating the wrong kind of food will only make things worse. Your body needs the nutrients in food to fuel its organs and make you more active and productive. Eating a balanced diet also keeps your blood sugar levels in check. Try not to skip breakfast and eat small, healthy snacks throughout the day for energy.
Final thoughts
You can combat mild fatigue with regular exercise and a healthy diet. However, if you feel you have chronic fatigue, seek the advice of a doctor to help you find out any underlying conditions and come up with a treatment plan.