Interesting Facts from the Field of Healthy Living

Interesting Facts from the Field of Healthy Living

In the domain of healthy living, we are more or less familiar with the basic facts that are generally accepted. However, at the same time, there are interesting things that are neglected and about which less is known. In this text, we will look at some of them.


Elasticity, that is, the ability to move the joints, is a component of physical activity that is very important for its effect. In order for our body to achieve a certain elasticity, stretching is necessary. A good level of elasticity can help prevent soft tissue injuries, can improve joint function and make movements easier. However, stretching before training reduces the strength in the muscles and impairs some types of motor skills. Instead of stretching before training, we should do functional warm-up exercises.

It would be ideal to do stretching exercises after training. They should be done in a static body position. Stretch and hold in that position for up to 30 seconds, rest for up to 60 seconds, and then repeat everything. Do stretching exercises regularly to gradually develop flexibility.

Sequence of exercises

The basic principle of strength training is to first do exercises for large muscle groups (bench press, squats). Then exercises for small muscle groups (weights). Exercises for smaller muscle groups quickly tire the target muscle, which reduces its ability to contract during exercise.

A girl is lifting weights for healthy living.

Generally speaking, exercises for large muscle groups should be done before exercises for smaller muscle groups, unless you want to build specific smaller muscles.

Brain health

Obesity, insufficient physical activity, emotional stress and poor nutrition trigger inflammatory processes throughout the body. This disrupts metabolism, weakens your immune system and encourages diseases such as cancer, heart disease and mental function.

A group of Danish researchers found that exercising at a moderate intensity reduces the level of signs of inflammation associated with stress.

Yoga and back pain

Back pain occurs in 85% of women at some point in their lives and is the number 1 cause of disability in people under 45 years of age.

Yoga is a popular type of exercise for the prevention and treatment of back pain. But the question is how effective it is. A group of American researchers found that women who went to yoga classes for a period of 12 weeks felt less back pain.

A girl is practicing yoga for healthy living.

However, the second, control group of women who participated in the exercise program at home, had identical positive effects. Yoga can increase the strength of the trunk muscles and make the spine more stable. But some exercises can increase the risk of back pain. So carefully choose a yoga instructor for someone who has a lot of knowledge in the field of spine anatomy.

Blood sugar – risk of cancer.

Insufficient physical activity, excess weight and a diet rich in saturated fats and simple sugar increase the risk of metabolic syndrome (diabetes, insulin resistance). People with insulin resistance have difficulty regulating blood sugar, so the body releases more insulin to make up for this deficiency.

Insulin is a hormone that stimulates tissue growth, including the growth of cancer cells.

A group of Swedish researchers in one study, which included over 60,000 people, discovered a link between cancer and high blood sugar levels. The risk was greatest in the case of pancreatic cancer.

Fish oil against depression

Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids is good for health in the sense that it prevents heart attack, stroke and weakening of mental function. These fats work by strengthening the cell membrane throughout the body. A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids is very effective in preserving brain function. Laboratory animals given food rich in these fatty acids had less decline in mental ability.

One of Interesting facts from the field of healthy living - Fish oil.

One group of researchers found that people who consume higher amounts of omega-3 acids have higher centers in the brain that are associated with depression.

These parts of the brain are usually smaller in patients suffering from depression. Some other studies have found that higher omega-3 acid intake affects better mood. Also better memory and reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.


With this text, we have tried to draw your attention and interest you in facts from the field of healthy living that are less known.