Seasonal Training Tips

Seasonal Training Tips

Although, in training planning, we do not pay much attention to the seasons, it may not be superfluous to refer to that detail as well. Namely, our body feels best when it is in harmony with nature. In other words, the organism will respond best when we act on it the way nature does. In this sense, we distinguish 4 characteristic themes for each season. For example – spring brings growth and development, summer is characterized by intensity, autumn brings maturity, and winter means a period of maintenance of what has been achieved. So, let’s take a look at some seasonal training tips.


Spring training

After 3 months of relative rest and maintenance, when nature begins to wake up, our body also feels the need to move. So, we feel the desire to train more intensively, to get moving and be more active. Of course, the reason for this is the greater number of sunny days and more favorable weather conditions, which simply lead to the desire to start new activities. Increased training aims to bring us to increased fitness and preparation for the summer. Otherwise, experts advise that special attention be paid to aerobic training during this period.


Summer workout

If, during the spring, we prepared our body well, this is the period when we reach the maximum condition. To this end, experts suggest increasing the number of sets and reducing the rest period. At the same time, as time passes, they gradually increase the number of repetitions. At the end of summer, our body is ready for the most intensive training of the year.


Autumn running

We dedicate the beginning of autumn to increasing intensity and reaching the peak of physical fitness. Just as autumn brings its fruits in nature, we also reap the results of our previous work and training. And, since nature shows us its changes, it is desirable that our activities adapt to them.


Winter workout

Of course, winter is characterized by a period of rest and maintenance. But this does not mean a complete absence of physical activity. It is desirable to reduce training and engage in recreational activities. For example, daily walks on a nice winter day are beneficial in many ways. Likewise, focus on the “weak points” that you neglected during the year. Also, take care of your diet, don’t allow yourself to increase fat deposits on your body during the winter.

How useful are seasonal training tips?

Probably these tips seem very general and do not give very specific instructions. But we have to take into account the fact that they follow a life cycle and, therefore, represent advice for the long haul. Therefore, let’s look at the nature around us and adapt our behavior to it.