Running During Winter

Running During Winter

Due to the lower temperature, it is slower for us to warm up and reach the working temperature. So, running in the winter is a bigger challenge than during the rest of the year.

Winter running conditions – Always run against the wind first!

When the air temperature drops below 15C, the flexibility of the ligaments and joints of the lower extremities decreases. Blood flow through the muscles is reduced due to the cooling of the organism, which greatly increases the chance of new injuries. Old sores often return during the winter and increase restrictions. Because of all this, preparations in the winter period mainly include training indoors, in warm clothes, in order to simulate the conditions of summer air temperatures in which the volume and strength of muscles increase.

Snow and ice create special difficulties, especially when it comes to contact with the ground. Walking on slippery ice strengthens neglected side muscles, ligaments and attachments to the legs due to frequent slipping. Muscles that we don’t even know exist!

The wind is also indispensable. Never start running through the wind, because when you warm up, your sweat will turn into ice needles after turning in the opposite direction. Always run against the wind first!

Why run during the winter?

First decide with yourself are you motivated for winter running. The days are shorter and those dark evenings and wet mornings can turn running into a real challenge. For example, can you run during lunch break? Maybe you would rather run on a treadmill during the winter?

On the one hand, running outside can bring you the title of “hard runner”, and on the other hand, you will spend more time alone, and you will increase your chances of getting sick. :))

What to do, how much to run, at what speed, for how long,… are just some of the questions that newcomers, but also those more experienced runners ask.

Running during the winter – Beginners, do prepare!

Warming up on snow

Tip number one is: beginners, as in any part of the year, slowly and without haste.

Walking and completely light running are the way to achieve your goals.

This is a more sensitive part of the year (runners i.e – beginners) and it is best to start walking and when you gain a little strength and fitness, slowly introduce short running stages.

In time, these racing stages will completely displace walking during training.